Level 2

By attempting any of the tasks you agree that it is done entirely at your own risk,

Hindquarter yield from front

Stand in front of your horse with his head pointing towards your belly button. The inside hindleg must step underneath the body for at least 2-3 steps. The forelegs may also step a little sideways. The horse should move around the handler like the hand of a clock with slight inside bend in the neck and body.

Back up

The handler stands in front of the horse and asks him to back up fairly straight for 4 steps without using the rope.

Forehand yield from front

The handler stands in front of the horse and asks him to yield the forehand without making contact with him. The horse must step across with his front legs for 2-3 steps

Mark training

The handler stands in front of the horse at a distance of 2 m and ask him to step onto a mark*. The handler should be able to walk back to end of the rope in a semi-circle around the horse without him moving. The mark can be positioned alongside a fence at this level.* The mark should be a small, raised platform about the size of a doormat.

Start of the stop

The handler asks the horse to stop parallel to them whilst out on the circle. You can use a fence to help you at this level.

Hindquarter yield to draw

Handler asks the horse to yield the hindquarters for a few steps until the horse is looking at the handler. Then the handler steps backwards for a few steps. This needs to be one continuous movement. The horse stops promptly when the handler stops.

Walk/ trot/ halt/ trot at the shoulder

Horse should walk at the handler's shoulder with a loose leadrope. Transitions should be made from walk to trot to halt and back up to trot using only the handler's body positioning, visual cue and/or verbal cue


You will receive feedback on your submission and get a certificate on successful completion.

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