Level 5

By attempting any of the tasks you agree that it is done entirely at your own risk,

Hindquarter away at liberty

The inside hindleg must step underneath the body for at least 2-3 steps. The inside foreleg must step on the spot or away from the handler NOT towards. This must be performed at liberty.

Forehand yield at liberty

The horse must must step across with  his front legs for 2-3 steps. This must be performed at liberty.

Walk/ trot/ halt, backup on the fence at liberty

The horse performs the transitions on cue at liberty, maintaining a consistent position beside the handler.

Change rein through the circle at trot

Handlers asks the horse to step into the circle and then take up the new rein without breaking into walk. This can be done on the line.

Figure 8 at walk around cones at the shoulder at liberty

Horse walks around two cones at liberty, maintaining a consistent position at the handler's shoulder.

Shoulder in (softening yield) on the circle in walk.

Handler asks the horse to flex to the inside whilst maintaining forward motion on the circle. This can be performed on the line.

Take the mark from the circle in walk at liberty

Handler takes the mark and asks the horse to circle them in walk. Then they step back and ask the horse to take the mark from the circle.


You will receive feedback on your submission and get a certificate on successful completion.

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