Level 10

By attempting any of the tasks you agree that it is done entirely at your own risk,

Big circle/ little circle at liberty in canter on both reins

Horse starts off on a small liberty circle in canter around handler inside a square of cones. On cue, horse moves outwards, away from the handler and completes one big circle on the outside of the cones. Handler then asks the horse to come in off the big circle to complete one more small circle.

Canter circle at the shoulder at liberty on both reins

The horse canters one circle at the shoulder at liberty on both reins.

Independent circling in trot at liberty on both reins

Horse trots at least one circle at liberty around the handler whilst they remain in a static position.

Change rein in canter at liberty

Handler asks the horse to change rein through the circle. Horse performs a simple or flying change.

Sending circle in trot at liberty on both reins

Horse trots around cone placed in front of the handler. Horse completes at least one circle.

Stop at a distance at liberty in canter

The horse stops from canter at a distance no less than 5m from the handler. This is to be performed from a visual or verbal cue at liberty.


You will receive feedback on your submission and get a certificate on successful completion.

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